P.60 or Tax return to determine income for Spouse maintenaince payment


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I have a court order for spousal maintainaince. My ex wants to vary the payment, I dont want to go back to court due to the cost but I am wary as he wants to use the tax reurn for 2014/2015 as evidence of reduction rather than the P.60. Also I believe a tax return even once submitted can be changed.
Can anyone advise? He is a very intelligent (Accountant) but difficult person. Many Thanks
A P60 is a statement of earnings from employment.
A Tax return is a summary of all sources of income for a year.
It's much easier to amend a P60 than to amend a tax return. Surely it's all his income that you are interested in rather than just his employment income.
If for example he has his own company the P60 figure is a bit arbitrary because he could decide to take a salary of €30k or €70k!