Oxidised Headlights ~ any solution?


Registered User

My headlights are cloudy - oxidised.

Is there any product out there that can restore them to their former glory?
Sister has big problems with this with her Micra. Interested in replys.
You can buy a head light polishing kit. Works well from what I've seen. Never used on myself.
This was a common issue on Micras. Your local Halfords will have a headlamp restoration kit. Easy to apply, with excellent results.
Don't bother with polishing kits, most of them just scratch the headlights unless you're very careful.

Wash the headlights to remove insects, dirt, and grit and let them dry.

Spray WD40 on a piece of kitchen towel or soft cloth. Turn the towel/cloth frequently as you polish the headlight lens using a circular motion. Spray more WD40 on as you turn the cloth. You'll notice a dark stain on the cloth/towel as you polish.

You can also use the same technique to erase marks from car bodywork that has been damaged by sun-tan lotion, make-up or hand-creams. Go gently and you'll need more than one "go" at it.
Forgot to say, a lot of the cause for the oxidizing is UV light, both from the sun outside and cheaper head-light bulbs from the inside. You can buy bulbs with built-in UV filters, but by the time you begin to notice, it'll be too late for the insides.
Don't for one minute think i'm taking the proverbial but TOOTHPASTE (white) is brilliant for solving this problem. Get an old toothbrush and generously brush it on, give it a while and go back over it to liven it up and leave for another short while before going over it for the last time with plenty of water and the toothbrush again, rinse thoroughly with a clean cloth with plenty of water, preferably rain water. It will look brilliant. I'm accepting €10's at the usual address and no need to thank me. As if! Let people know how you/ye get on, it works.
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As above, polishing kit will sort them out. Once done, you need to get a UV sealant to prevent it from occurring again.