Overpaid Tax : P60 : What Now?


Registered User
So I have my P60. Makes for unpleasant reading:
Gross Pay for year €6559.96
Total Tax for year €1345.83

This is a draft of my letter to the Revenue:
I would like to request a review of my tax liability for the year 2005. I believe i am due a full refund of all PAYE paid in this year. I have attached my P60.

The address I have is:
Customer Services,
PAYE Dept,
Revenue Commissioners,
85-93 Lower Mount Street,
Dublin 2.

Most of that address is made up as there website has no information on getting money back. Understandable seeing as they want to receive cheques, not write them.
Re: Overpiad Tax : P60 : What Now?

Do you have a specific question that you would like addressed by contributors or is this a Letting Off Steam post?

Did your circumstances (e.g. employment status, earnings etc.) change significantly over the tax year? Did you receive one or more statements of tax credits over the tax year? Did you not notice the ostensibly incorrect tax deductions over the course of the year?

You need to write to your specific Revenue regional office. Contact details are available on their website. Otherwise your claim for a review and possible refund may be delayed. Their website also does indeed contain information about making tax reclaims - for example [broken link removed].

You should attach a copy of your P60 and not the original.
Apologies if it appeared that I was ranting. What I meant is that it's not really clear what one has to do for this type of refund. there are forms etc. for everything else.

What I meant about making the address up was, that on the website it gives:

85-93 Lower Mount St,
Dublin 2.

I think if I write that on an envelope it will probably get lost. That sound's like a pretty big building.

To answer your question, I was a full time student up until June of 2005. I was employed outside of Ireland for June to September 2005.

September 2005 was the first time I had worked in ireland since finishing my previous job in September 2004.

As such I only had three months or so to use a full years tax credits. I presume when the revenue saw my 12 month old P45 that they wanted to take a closer look at it and hence my Month 1 basis.

My questions anyway:
Is that the right address to put on the envelope?
Should I mention a "full refund" on the letter or just a "review of my tax liability"?

Naturally I want to get this cheque ASAP. So I don't want the letter going AWOL.

Thanks for the pointer about only sending a copy of the P60.
jambo said:
Apologies if it appeared that I was ranting. What I meant is that it's not really clear what one has to do for this type of refund. there are forms etc. for everything else.
You just write to your regional tax office explaining the situation, including a copy of your P60 and any other supporting documentation that might be relevant asking them to review your tax for the relevant year.
What I meant about making the address up was, that on the website it gives:

85-93 Lower Mount St,
Dublin 2.

I think if I write that on an envelope it will probably get lost. That sound's like a pretty big building.
Yes - you need to address it to your regional tax office/department. This is the one mentioned on your most recent statement of tax credits or other communication from Revenue.
Yes - perhaps you were on emergency tax or something like that. Seems odd that you only noticed the amount of the deductions now but at least you may be in line for a significant refund.
My questions anyway:
Is that the right address to put on the envelope?
Should I mention a "full refund" on the letter or just a "review of my tax liability"?
See above about the address. You just ask them to review your tax affairs and explain that you suspect that you are due a refund. Once they have all the necessary information they can rebalance your affairs.
Cool. Thanks.

I had noticed before, but could do nothing because I didn't get my Text credits until december. They then put me on Week 1 or Month 1 basis, not too sure which.

I just noticed you're little italicised Revenue and letting off steam. Is that like when people make little inverted comma signs with their hands? I like it. Must really ingratiate you to people . Thanks for the help anyway.



P.S. It used to be called Office of The Revenue Commissioners or coloquially The Revenue. Excuse me for not being up to date with their soft rebranding.
jambo said:
I just noticed you're little italicised Revenue and letting off steam. Is that like when people make little inverted comma signs with their hands? I like it. Must really ingratiate you to people . Thanks for the help anyway.
No - it's just my way of highlighting proper nouns etc. for clarity.