Orlando over the Christmas hols - has anyone been?


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Considering Orlando over Christmas. Has anyone been? What is the weather like? Are the parks busy?

Also considering coming home via New York, anyone any idea what the weather would be like there? Snowing probably if the christmas films are anything to go by

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Also considering coming home via New York, anyone any idea what the weather would be like there? Snowing probably if the christmas films are anything to go by


Snowing - yes, and freezing, but very atmospheric. Still lots of fun walking around wrapped up snug, drinking hot chocolate, seeing views of the city etc. Plus things like ice skating at the Rockefella centre etc. are great.
Phoenix we did that trip the christmas before last and parks were not as busy as we were expecting but still very busy. We flew to New York had been there before so only spend a day there it was very cold and bright but OK we then flew to Orlando and hired a car and had a Villa booked for 10 days very central to everything had a lovely family christmas there it was lovely going out having a swim in our own pool christmas morning before breakfast.