Options for pension fund after redundancy?


Registered User
I browsed for quite a while before posting but couldn't really find pension options for dummies; frankly, what I know about the subject is dangerous other than it's important to have one, so here goes. I was in a DC group scheme at work for a number of years, and transferred into it a dormant pension fund from a previous employment. Sadly, the company has folded and I need to make decisions on what to do with my personal fund for the future. I have nine years to retirement age and while I was paying a large weekly AVC, I am now down to part-time work and struggling, like so many others. I didn't have enough time before retirement to take it slowly so I really pushed myself with the AVC's and made my pension my main savings plan. I can't do this any more, certainly not at the moment, and I wondered what the informed ones on this board would recommend for someone like me. I was advised to look at the new government bonds as an option but I know less than nothing about them and I really don't want to find myself, yet again, being directed into something that isn't right for me and finding out about it after the event. Any thoughts at all would be very much appreciated. Thank you.
My apologies for proving my own point! I think the description I should have used is something like "government special savings vehicles", and not "bonds" as I put it! I have been told that the funds are locked up for either 5 or 10 years, that the interest rate is 4.5% or thereabouts and that they are approved for pension use. I may be completely wrong but hopefully someone out there will know. I have to meet with the "pension man" very soon and while I have nothing but respect for him, I'd like to have a better understanding of my options than usual, especially as I don't have an entire career ahead of me to see how it all pans out. Thanks everyone, again!
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