Opinions on Kiltipper area (part of Tallaght)

Pub opened last night, went in for an hour, there are two bars and a big off license, it is v nice and v handy, will just wait and see how it goes noise wise etc but is great to have and loads of bouncers on both doors...
I live in Cushlawn and have done for 4 years now and believe me folks its a dump. Met a girl from here and got a house and happily ever after. Anyways them Doormen wanna have there wits about them, i've seen first hand the toughest doormen Tallaght has to offer been kicked up and down the Killinarden Pub carpark for fun, and no one ever gets barred.
yeah have seen the same thing happen myself in town so it is not just tallaght...anyway will just have to wait and see with the new pub, all you can be is positive cos what is the point badmouthing all the time, we are all in same boat as in just getting by and happy to even be able to buy your own place so not going to help if we keep bringing the place down...

I had the misfortune to buy a place in Marlfield back when it was first built. It's not the worst area, it did (when I lived there) suffer from some social problems but nothing major.
My biggest problem was the quality of the buildings, I could hear everything from my neighbours. Their fights, their TV, their screaming kids, their music, Halloween was a nightmare, and the final straw was when I had to turn the TV up because I could hear them having sex. the noise became such a problem that after 12 horrible months I rented it out and moved somewhere else, and sold it a year after that.

Just my experience....Maybe Kiltipper gate is better built than Marlfield?
I've been up to marlfield a few times to visit a friend. Buildings all look very nice but i agree you couldn't leave young kids outside to play. People drive very fast down the main road you exit out onto. Unfortunatley the area next door, Deerpark, looks like it will go downhill. Only 2 years or so old and there's a huge amount of graffiti already. Gives the impression peole don't care so much about the place they live in.
I've lived in Marlfield, Kiltipper for just over 5 years and am very happy with my choice. My house has appreciated in value over €150,000 since I first purchased it. Ok, at first, we had no bus routes or shops or pubs. This I accepted, because I knew that they’re arrival was not too far off in the future. Now, there are 2 regular bus routes (54A & 201) and 3 express bus routes (15X, 49X & 77X). I do drive so haven't used these much but the option is always there.
Shop wise, there’s Eurospar, a bookies, a pharmacy & launderette. Pub wise, there's the Kiltipper Cafe Bar where I spend most of my weekends. The company is good and the food served in the restaurant is excellent. I know the pub & restaurant managers personally and think that they are doing a great job. The BBQ’s on Saturdays & Sundays are going down exceptionally well.
Ok, Cushlawn & Killinarden are only across the road but the amount of people barred from the pub is colossal. A barring from The Old Mill means an automatic barring from the Café Bar, as the same bouncers are in employment. I personally know 4 people who are barred for little or nothing. I’ve no problem with this, as it means that I can enjoy my night out without any troubles from riffraff.
I live in a cul-de-sac which is very quiet and I am acquainted the majority of my neighbours. It is a very quiet road and I have never had any problems with noise. The traffic isn’t great in the mornings but where in Dublin is it? I think I have made a good decision to move to Kiltipper and have never had any regrets and I doubt that I ever will.