Opinion - format of property adverts


Registered User
Yep I'm an EA - and looking for opinions.

When looking at property ads on the paper do you find that ads with longer descriptive passages about a property or short bullet points are more effective, or are both mostly irrelevant and it's the picture that attracts someone to a property.
price & location were the first things I looked at. long-winded paragraphs dont do it for me. just the facts thanks. photos are also essential.

however, I mostly used myhome.ie (also visited estate agents in the area, or specifically rang those who's For Sale signs I'd seen). I didnt use a newspaper at all. So maybe it is different content styles for different advertising mediums?
I agree. For me too hard facts are more important than waffle - e.g. price, location, condition, measurements, facilities etc. and it's easier to convey these in bullet point format.
My thoughts exactly, I far prefer to keep adverts to short simple points (e.g. large garden) rather than long winded waffle

Anyway, it was just to add to a little arguement in the office.
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Focus on the content rather that the format... by making an effort first of all in describing properties truthfully . That will prevent buyers from wasting their time visiting rundown properties that only EA find wonderfull.

A south facing garden is.... facing south not east facing
A large bedroom is.... more than 10ft*8ft
Rear Garden Wonderfully presented .... means there is more to it than grass and muck.
bounded by mature shrubbery and trees...means than tree are more skinny 8ft high things
Be accurate on the location...to me 5 miles from Rathfarnham is not Rathfarnham..
Words chosen to manipulate annoy me. For example the quoted word in sentences such as : the housing market is 'softening'. And I dont really want to see someones opinion. I'd rather develop my own opinion from a set of facts.