Opening a Foreign Currency Account




I will be going abroad to the US for a Month and was wondering if anyone could tell me if it would be a good idea to open a Foreign Currency account.

I will be doing a lot of cash Withdrawls and rather than taking Bank Drafts,cash or using an ATM to take money out of my Euro Account or Visa for that matter, i was hoping to open an account in US Currency .

Would it be cheaper to have a US Currency Account. Would it be cheaper to Put money into my VISA(MBNA) or take money using the ATM

Thanks for Replies.
Check with MBNA will they give you a US$ credit card
No for curr charges on use
Only for curr on account payment

I used to have a IR£ and a STG£ card
Is it really worth the hassle for just one month, given that you'll have to pay FX commissions when you go to pay the bill? Will you be doing similar trips in the future?

I have a US$ checking account at ETrade as a byproduct of keeping some shares with them, which is handy for occasional US$ transactions.