One tenant moving out, what to do


Registered User
Hi there,

I would really appreciate some advice. I am a landlady with a property in Dublin . In July 2018 I signed a lease with 3 tenants. After one year, one decided to move out and we changed the name on the lease with the remaining two tenants. I now got the notice of one of them that is leaving. What are my rights?

I understand that I should get 56 days notice as the contract was signed in 2018 or should I count since the change of the names in the lease?

if one tenant stays, do I need to look for a tenant? Is the lease still valid?
I could not find many information.
Many thanks in advance

kind regards
Thank you abs my question is if for the remaining tenant the lease is still valid or because one is leaving the contract is broken
What does the lease say?

Presumably it covered this situation?
In these cases the tenancy is usually joint and several.

You are not letting rooms to individuals, you are letting an entire dwelling to a group and how they divide it between themselves is their own business.

A lease I signed years ago had the following text:

Whenever there is more than one Tenant, each and every covenant and obligation can be enforced against all the tenants jointly and against each individually.

So most likely your remaining tenants are obliged to honour the rental payments no matter whether one has left.

If I was you I would give some flexibility here. They are all obliged to find a new tenant but you could give them a 1/3 rent holiday for a month if they can't find anyone to take over straight away.