One sheet of Triple Glaze glass required.


Registered User
I have an internal atrium in my home, capped by a glass dome type thingy. Quite high, about 30 foot above our landing. A lot of our heat is escaping upwards and out through this funnel.

We are looking to put in place a sheet of triple glazing on the inside of the dome area to stop the heat from escaping. There is an internal shelf space where the glass could sit and be secured. I would need a sheet of glass about 4 foot by 4 foot.

Are there companies that would be available or bothered to produce and put in place this one sheet of glass? Any recommendations?

What you are looking for is a triple glazed unit measuring approx. 4' X 4'.
This TG unit will also require a frame of some sort, aluminium/PVC etc.
Obviously would need to be measured before production.

I would imagine you would be better off approaching a local glazing company as the larger ones may not be interested in such a small order.