One name on deeds two on mortgage question


Registered User
Just a quick question on the above. We (my gf and I) have received planning permission on a plot of land at home and we intend to build on it in the next year or so. I have looked into getting a mortgage to cover the build, but with the amount of money offered to me by the banks we wont be able to build on a sunroom or finish the house the way we want to. I have tried to keep my girlfriend off the mortage as much as possible but now we are thinking of looking for a sole deeds joint morgage set-up. It would allow us to get everything sorted out and build our dream house. She has been left a site by her grandmother around her home and would really like to build here in the future 5-7 years time. I'm just wondering if she was put as a joint name on the morgage would she be able to apply for planning in her own name in the future (i.e before we got married?). Any help on this would be greatly apreciated!
You seem to be worried about the occupancy/ need to reside clause in a future planning application. In other words if you can keep your gfs name off the present house when she applies for planning permission in the future she will be doing so possibly on the basis of a need to build a house/not having one already. IF your gf is contributing to your mortgage, then effectively she will be building up an equity in this first house ( although certainly she should take legal advice on the wisdom of doing this in this manner) so therefore effectively she will have an interest in a house. So it really depends on the type of clause that the local council will insist on. These change from area to area and even from time to time. I have seen normal clauses for eg the planning is granted with a stipulation that the appplicant reside there as their ppr for 7 years. I have seen clauses which state the first occupier must reside there for 7 years- which leaves it open to developers to develop a house and sell on that condition. Nobody can look into the future for you. Clauses may be different in your area now- but could change again in the future, so who knows?

I've just looked at the planning permission clause there now and it states that the applicant (me) must keep the house as a principle residence for 7 years. We will remain in the house for that length of time and we were hoping to get a joint mortgage but with a single name on the deeds. This would allow my gf to apply for pp at home before we got married and would give us 5 years to build the house on her site (once its granted). We could run out the 7 years in the first house and start to build the other house in 4 years or so. We would be financially stretched for a couple of years where we would have the two houses together but could sell the first one and clear our mortgages. The only thing i was thinking was how would the planning authority know that my gf was a joint applicant in a mortgage if her name wasnt on the planning application or on the deeds of the property. (I know we would need to visit a solicitor to draw up an agreement to protect my gf until we got hitched!!). Does this plan make sense or am I missing something. (Hopefully i've explained it reasonably well!) We'd love to be mortgage free at a reasonable age and this seems to be a way of achieving this!
It's a difficult one- there are no definites here- its always going to be a risk and only you can decide if it is an acceptable one.
Has anyone who has gone down the road of sole deeds joint mortgage got any advice on this one. Has anyone drawn up any agreements to protect the person whos name isnt on the deeds. Any help would be greatly apreciated!