On Jobseekers and In Debt .

A DRN does not require any payment towards the debt.

Telling someone on a poverty level income to cut back to repay a debt that is unaffordable is not reasonable when there is an alternative.
A DRN does not require any payment towards the debt.

Telling someone on a poverty level income to cut back to repay a debt that is unaffordable is not reasonable when there is an alternative.

Looking at their budget I don't believe it is unaffordable. Their job situation might only be temporary and they should plan on getting back on their feet and clearing their debts in an honourable way. It is a good motivational tool to manage your budget and life knowing you are going to be debt free some day. I've been there and done it and I would always advise others to do the same.

I would advise maybe cutting your debt repayments to a more managable 150 per month. Negotiate with your creditors to get a freeze on interest.

How do you suggest he goes for job interviews courses etc. Even living in a rural village or town public transport is non existent.
How do you suggest he goes for job interviews courses etc. Even living in a rural village or town public transport is non existent.

If it were me personally I would move to a city with the best employment prospects and/or lowest cost of living. If you stubbornly stay in some isolated location you will probably be unemployed for the rest of your life. For a lot of Ireland you won't see any jobs returning to these places. It's not right but that's the way it is.
@ Tommy B


I have it sorted Tommy, I am going to sell the car, then the kids and move to Fair City and put the Wife on the Game. I will continue to live on the dole, become an alcoholic, maybe dabble in Heroin, while you, who have everything sorted, pay for me to do so, by paying your Taxes. God Bless You, Tommy B.

This is SCARCASM! via FRUSTRATION! and that is the WAY IT IS!
I'm giving you realistic options to sort your life out. There are plenty of jobs in Dublin at the moment. I could attend an interview every day if I wanted. Depends on your skills of course. Large parts of this country are dead. Trying to run a car in the middle of nowhere on dole money won't be a temporary thing, trust me.

My neighbours don't own a car at all. One working, one kid. They've put themselves beside good transport links and get by nicely.
Madiba, you're on social welfare, and you're doing your best. I think you should forthwith cease the 50 Euro repayments. Anyone on social welfare like you have nothing to fear from creditors. In essence they can do nothing for you. No court is currently ordering anyone on social welfare to pay anything out of that towards debts, and your creditors know that. When the new insolvency regime comes in you can try and apply underwhatever scheme will wipe the debts, you're a prime canidate.

You've mentioned emigration, that'a s a great idea. Far better than the struggle you currently have. Have you thought of a location, and how much do you need to make that realistic, perhaps you going ahread without the family. It's better to focus on that, than the dreadful situation you find yourself in.

TommyB, while you manged in your situation to pay back the debt, and that's a really good thing, and in general, always advisable, this man has 2 kids and is struggling. He has no more to give.
I don't wish to sound like a bad person, with regards to my comment to Tommy B. Its just that life is not athat easy, just to pop off to Dublin on the Dole and hope for the best. My Good Wife has found some part time work, around 9 hours a week, but at the end of the day, that go's towards Electricity or whatever other costs, like Mr Binman. She brings home roughly 250 to 300 a month. Now I am worried I/we will not qualify for DRN.