On Job Seekers Benefit---Fas Training Course


Registered User
I was in full time employment up to December 2008, then on 2 days a week with JSB for the other 3 days. As and from December 2009 I am unemployed and on JSB at present. I put my name down for a couple of Fas training courses and am going to attend an Information Session in 3 weeks time. This particular course will run for 23 weeks starting in April.

My problem is that our 2 weeks family holidays will be in May...can I get holidays during the course or would I be better off opting for another time slot for this course?

It is a computerised accounts and payroll course. Since I signed up for this course I have actually done computerised accounts at evening classes. Can I change this course?

And of course the main question, what are the penalties from the Dept of Social Welfare if I do any of the above on my Job Seekers Benefit?

Sorry for all the questions but if anybody has any experience or knowledge on this situation I would be glad to hear from you. Thanks.