"Oireachtas Finance Committee hearings deeply depressing"

Brendan Burgess

Colm McCarthy sums it up well in an article in today's Sindo

The agency dilemma is prevalent in politics. Instead of having politicians acting in the best interests of the country, or even in according with conscience, instead we have a lot of playing to the electorate, primarily aimed at ensuring the politician remains in favour with the electorate. Even those not directly elected suffer from this vicariously (a Senator from a political party will suffer from the hopes and expectations of their directly elected brethren).

What matters to them is remaining in their job. Their own beliefs, actions and attitudes are warped by this consideration.

If they do break from these constraints it is likely to be for religious reasons (see the recent abortion-led dissension within FF/FG). And no one is religious about the economy.

To consistently and wholeheartedly "take the side" of those who can't, or won't, pay their debts makes perfect sense for them. Unfortunately it does not make sense for the economy.

I don't think anyone ever got elected by talking sense.