Office Party


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What are you doing this year?

We got an email around a few weeks ago from two colleagues informing us that the party was booked in such and such a venue for such and such a night and a deposit was required by X date.

I was a bit taken aback. Its only my second Christmas in this job but anywhere I worked before there was always a discussion and a concensus about where to go and what date suited the majority.

Its one of those hotel dos so I am definitely not going.
This overlaps with the other thread 'Things that drive you nuts!! '

Just tell them you're busy that night, then ask when it's on.
True, and that thread seems to overlap with an old 'Annoying Colleagues' thread.
I was a bit taken aback. Its only my second Christmas in this job but anywhere I worked before there was always a discussion and a concensus about where to go and what date suited the majority.
And have you not noticed how this discussion ,suiting the majority and concensus lark NEVER works..
It always worked in my last place. And the concensus was NEVER for darnes of salmon and baked alaska in some formal hotel dining room followed by a band.
Had ours last week in hotel off Baggot St, free bar all night from 6PM till 2AM. Three course meal included. Company selected the hotel, I was happy with their choice!

Its one of those hotel dos so I am definitely not going.

Im sure you will be missed
We had a consensus in a company I worked in ages ago - we voted strongly in favour of cheap food and expensive alcohol. Twas a mighty night I am told
Had ours last week in hotel off Baggot St, free bar all night from 6PM till 2AM. Three course meal included. Company selected the hotel, I was happy with their choice!

Im sure you will be missed

The difference in my case being we have to pay every penny ourselves.
Hotel parties must be making a comeback.
They used to do these type of parties in my place but stopped it a couple of years ago because of the cost involved.
I have been informed that this years party is in some hotel at the cost of €70 a head. No thanks!
That's bad form. It's the one thing an employer is still allowed to give without BIK being charged.

I'm in the Civil Service. I don't mind paying for the party but think if that's the case there should be a concensus of opinion on where to go. Apart from anything else hotel dos are expensive and not everyone can afford them.
This could easily be crossed with "things that drive me nuts"...

We dont get a christmas party in the Civil Service, especially in the Department I work in. We can however arrange our own private party and organise, book and pay ourselves, for everything! So it drives me nuts when I hear people say "oh, we had a free bar all night, or we had our party in such and such a place and the band were amazing and the food was out of this world", or if external customers hear that we are organising our own party you get "such a waste of taxpayers money".

We have a Department social club who organise a party for staff within the Department who are members, and pay weekly into the club. You still have to buy a ticket and there is never any proper food (maybe some nibbles), and you might get one or two drinks if you are lucky, but this comes out of the ticket price and the subscriptions paid during the year.

Some colleagues (about 10 in total who work in a different section to me) organised a night out last friday night in Dublin and I was asked if I wanted to go with them. One person booked a table in a popular restaurant/bar at the top of Grafton Street. We each paid for the food and all our own drink. It was a great night. Dinner was €22 I think and coctails were €5.
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I suppose the private companies are, by and large, making enough profits to afford this and do not rely on the taxpayer to fund their Christmas party. I say "by and large" as I am sure that some of the banks that we have bailed out will have low-key parties for some or all of their staff

I know from speaking to a friend of mine that a particular semi-state is asking staff to contribute to their party this year. The semi-state in question is profitable, but it's owner is obviously not.
I would never begrudge anyone being bought a few drinks at Christmas even if it is public money. I wouldn't consider it a waste. However, I always find people who don't actually drink or like to go out with work always moan that they should be given the money directly instead. You are never going to please everyone.
I say "by and large" as I am sure that some of the banks that we have bailed out will have low-key parties for some or all of their staff

Not a huge deal,

Fifty euro a head or so and it's for staff who work hard all year.

Morale is low anyway, if it helps them do a better job or keeps them happy let them have it
I say "by and large" as I am sure that some of the banks that we have bailed out will have low-key parties for some or all of their staff

Actually was talking about this recently with people from various banks and it is just not happening. A couple of people said their boss was taking them out for lunch but was personally paying for it. The rest are paying for themselves.
Not a huge deal,

Fifty euro a head or so and it's for staff who work hard all year.

Morale is low anyway, if it helps them do a better job or keeps them happy let them have it

Would you say the same if public sector workers were getting a paid Christmas party?
Ours was cancelled. Mother ship said it would look bad if we were to have a Christmas party when times were hard. Doesn't look bad to have record profits though...