Obtaning Compensation from a builder.



Has anyone ever gone about Obtaning Compensation from a builder where the contract has been broken by months and in where the clients are paying 97% of the mortgage due to stage payments and rent? Also can the builder pull out of the contract with us and give us our money back. I am only thinking about this incase we piss the builder off if we threaten him for compensation.
is there a completion date in the contract ?

why was it missed , whose fault (in % if both are at fault) ?

what did your solicitor advise ??
Yes there was a completion date for our house, set out in the contract, and it was built to roof level when we purchased it. We got a 6 month completion date in where the remainder of the houses got a 12 month contract,apparanently. Also the builder apparently started building the houses without getting full planning for the water treatment plant which has just started construction. We were also told when purchasing that there was no stage payments and all we had to do was pay the booking deposit and the remainder upon comepletion. Then when the contracts were recieved we were hit with stage payemts. We are calculating the the builder will go 6 months over the contract, maybe more!. Solicitor has advised that we have a case but i am just wondering can the builder pull out and give us our money back if we piss him off with litigation?