Obtaining a sick note at employer's insistence

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I have had a look at some links but I can't fathom this one out.

I work for a small company on a teleworking basis, calling in daily and meeting up monthly, I have been doing this for 4 years and it suits me as I don't need to bother about childminders etc.

In the 4 years I have been fortunate not to be too ill to work, so even when feeling slightly off I have carried on, albeit at a slower pace and taking more breaks or catching up when I felt better.

The last few days I have been very sick and told my employers yet they have continued to call/email me, while expressing sympathy but still asking me to "just do this for us" Normally I don't mind, the job is great and they have been good to me but I really have felt the need for a proper rest. However when I spoke to one of my bosses today I was basically told unless I have a sick note from my doctor they have no way of knowing if I am ill! (effectively expressing doubts over my sickness I feel) I have booked a doctor's appointment tomorrow but as I have never in my working life had to get a sick note I am not sure if I need to ask stating it is my employer's demanding it Will doctors give out a sick note on request? Is there a period of self-certification before he can sign me off?

There is nothing in my contract relating to sick leave or sick pay.

With my employer, we need a certificate for any sickness of 3 days or more, which seems quite reasonable to me.

Off-topic, but are you saying that you manage to mind children & work simultaenously?
Original Poster - I think you are just being a little bit stubborn, go to the doctor and get a nice long note. I can see you stated that you need a rest, well dont we all but we still got to work also.

Taker your few days and cover it by a note, it will cost you a few quid, best of luck getting better
RainyDay said:
Off-topic, but are you saying that you manage to mind children & work simultaenously?

School age so I structure my working day around them.

I think you are just being a little bit stubborn, go to the doctor and get a nice long note. I can see you stated that you need a rest, well dont we all but we still got to work also.

I am quite offended by this, I have never been off sick and dont know how these things work so was just asking is it possible to walk in to a doctor and and ask for a note, I need a rest because I am ill, my employers dont seem to understand this because they are not here to see me, that was my point

anyhow, best to you and thanks for answering.
Yes, you can walk into the doctor's surgery, and tell him/her exactly what you put down in your post. Doctors know that you need time to recover, so there should be no problem. In fact my doctor on two occasions expressly forbid me to go to work!

So go, get your note and I hope you feel better soon.

If your employer is willing to pay you while you're sick, you only need a note written by your GP.

If you pay full PRSI, you should claim sickness benefit from the Dept of Social and Family Affairs. You will need a medical CERTIFICATE for this (signed by your GP) if the period of illness exceeds (I think) three days. Your employer is not obliged to pay you for your period of illness.

In conjunction with, or indeed separately from the claim, you can/should also get a note for your employer advising him/her of your illness. In many cases, they will continue to pay you for a limited number of days (typically two/three).
might be worth checking your employee handbook. It most likely states the conditions under which you must provide a cert.

I've been there myself having to ask staff for medical certs & believe me its a hard thing to do, particularly when the employee is diligent, hardworking & misses no time.

However my take on it is that there are less scrupulous employees who would take advantage of such a precedent if they were get wind that I was turning a blind eye to certain employees