Nurofen maker Reckitt Benckiser defends Australia packaging


Registered User
some extracts, my emphasis
" ....
The ACCC said the court had found that the firm had "engaged in misleading conduct in contravention of the Australian consumer law by representing that its Nurofen Specific Pain products were each formulated to treat a specific type of pain, when the products are identical".

Each product contained the same active ingredient, ibuprofen lysine 342mg.

The ACCC said the products were found to be "no more effective at treating the type of pain described on its packaging than any of the other Nurofen specific pain products".

The comission's research also found that in Australia the products were sold for almost double the price of Nurofen's standard product.

The retail price for each of the pain-specific products was also found to be "significantly higher" than other comparable products, the ACCC added...."

What chance of it happening here?
None me thinks
Well they usually charge extra here for versions of the drug containing caffeine... e.g. paracetamol plus caffeine. Caffeine does make meds work faster but I doubt most of the people buying them realise they could achieve the same effect with a cup of coffee.

Plus they probably don't need to do too much here to boost profits given how expensive even generic drugs are versus branded.
Watchdog in the UK had a feature on this. The general concensus was the same. All the different neurofen products were basically the same but the packaging stated 'targeting specific pain'. The only exception was the Plus brand which contains Codine as well as Ibubrofen.
Big pharma, big con, no surprise. At least they're getting called on it now in various jurisdictions.
True but at least with the "Plus" variant they have a difference in the ingredients, no simply the same tablet in a different colour box!
Neurofen wouldn't be a specific anti migraine drug as many of the effective cones are prescription only and not over the counter.