Nuisance call from private No


Registered User
I have an ad on a few sites and I am now getting nuisance call's from a private No,I think it is teenagers as hear laughing in the background, I want to know what is the best thing to do, I know I can just not answer call's from private No's (ie from number withheld) calls.
But is there anyway I can at least make their call more expensive like if I don't hang up etc or just to stop them doing it again,Is there anyway to find out the number, really annoying
Read this on an US site, does this exist in Ireland
Calls identified as "anonymous," unavailable," out of area" or "private" must identify themselves in order to complete the call. Before your phone rings, a recorded message instructs the caller to unblock the call, enter a code number (like the inbound call blocking devices mentioned above), or record their name. When your phone rings, you can choose to accept or reject the call,
First, keep a log of dates and times of all nuisance calls. You can make an official complaint to the Gardai who will put a trace on your telephone line with your consent.
Adopt a policy of never answering private numbers. That is what I do and those who want to contact you will get the message fast.
Adopt a policy of never answering private numbers. That is what I do and those who want to contact you will get the message fast.

Either this or, as I have found effective in the past, just answer it and walk away from it, let the pranksters run up a nice bill in return for zero reaction/entertainment from you. They'll soon learn its a waste of time if you don't give them the pleasure of knowing that they are annoying you.