

I have a region 2 dvd player and had it upgraded to multi-region. Bought a dvd from the US (region 1) but the playback is not as good as region 2 at all, characters are a bit blurry around the edges, the colour and sound are perfect. The TV set I have is PAL but can take NTSC - its a 100htz Panasonic.

Would anybody know how to eliminate the chequered appearance and improve the picture ?

Many thanks

Hi Swoon0,

Try your DVD player with another NTSC compatible TV. Most modern TV's support NTSC and PAL, even my cheap Matsui

If picture performance improves , then your TV is the problem. Maybe NTSC only works well with 50Hz TV's ?

If the picture is still bad, either the DVD or the player would be suspect.
In this case try another Region 1 DVD or another multi-region DVD player, if possible, with your panasonic TV.

Also, are you using a SCART lead (DVD player to TV) ?

Are you sure the picture problems are not simply display artefacts of the NTSC playback? In general NTSC is less detailed (lower resolution - 480 versus 576 scan lines) and has poorer colour reproduction than PAL. Some wag termed it Never Twice the Same Color because of the latter. If I recall correctly one advantage of NTSC over PAL is the higher frame rate (60 versus 50 frames per second) so the image should be steadier. Of course perhaps a frame rate of 60 fps on a 100Hz TV may result in other artefacts that don't occure with a (PAL) 50 fps source? Hmmm....

[broken link removed]

Thanks for your replies but I am none the wiser !!

Freq Out - Yes I am using a Scart lead to the TV

Unreg User - Thanks for help but all a bit technical

Are all US/Canada i.e. region 1 dvds only NTSC ??

Wondering if I should have bothered going Multi region in the first place !


> Unreg User - Thanks for help but all a bit technical

Sorry about that - and the extraneous underlining! Basically what I'm saying is that it may not be a problem at all - just a "feature" of NTSC playback which by definition has crappier resolution and colour reproduction than PAL.

> Wondering if I should have bothered going Multi region in the first place !

Strictly this has nothing to do with DVD region issues but rather may be specifically an NTSC versus PAL output format issue.


> Are all US/Canada i.e. region 1 dvds only NTSC ??

THAT is the key question as far as I can see. I think that some region 1 DVDs may be dual NTSC/PAL but I'm not sure.


I have purchased quite a lot of Region 1 DVD's from the US and they all play perfectly. Colour and sound are both fine and their is no blurring around the edges. Its a matter of testing each item seperately until you figure out what the problem is. You can buy multi region players now for circa €60. I have a Thompson DVD player that I was able to change to mulit region via the remote. When you say you got yours upgraded I presume you mean "chipped" and these may not work as well for some reason! Its only a thought, but one worth looking at!
