NTL phone - few questions


Registered User
I already have tv and broadband with NTL. I'm thinking of getting phone with them too.

At the moment I find that our internet connection can be a bit hit and miss. Does this mean that our phone connection could be a little unreliable too? Digital TV is always fine. Mobile phones only have coverage in one room in my place - could NTL's be any better? Part of the problem is that we have steel walls that can block the signal.

To use NTLs phone do you have to have broadband plugged in? Sorry if that's a stupid question, don't really get how it all works. Is it possible to unplug the phone when you don't want to use it? It seems like an awful waste of electricity to have broadband plugged in the whole time - I also wouldn't like to have constant radiation from always on broadband. Any cause to be worried about it?

Yes the broadband modem has to be plugged in.

I have the phone BB and TV folks have BB phone and TV Phone seems to work fine.

I only got it for on call at work, because I didn't have a phone number before I rang in the morning and it was switched on in the afternoon. Gave me a number easy enough to remember too.

Touch wood no hassels with BB tv or phone. Since I joined the BB speeds have ramped up.
I have all 3 services for the past 2 months. I have lost TV service for 1 week and the phone service goes every 3 weeks or so. 1st time it was gone for a week, this was a diffrent week to the TV. The 2nd time I got on to NTL and the informed me the modem needs to be rebooted every 2-3 weeks or so. To me this is rubbish.

Going to cancel it tomorrow.
My NTL BB is a bit hit and miss. The phone was ok, like bad quality mobile call. Had some outages too. But we can landlines free on our mobiles so I'm going to cancel it too.
I've NTL BB & digital. I delibrately went with eircom for phone as when I got my NTL service 2 yrs ago I had outages and cost me a fortune on mobile to log calls and knew there would be further outages. And if wanted bb off but yet be able to have a phone at least.

Think it's better to be honest to have different suppliers but that could be just me.

To save costs and electricity, some months ago, I switch my bb & digital off every day before leaving for work, to save electricity.
Sometimes if lap top not logged off correctly before turning bb off, and when restarting up again, the ip address can't be found. Simple thing of diagnose and repair and get new ip and problem solved.

I'm sure this can still be done once you have the 3 services and want to switch off when away or at work.
We have all three and the bb and digital have been fine over last year.

However phone is another story. Alot of the time no one can ring into the phone even though i can ring out. Never realised i had this problem until my parents recently got in ntl phone and anytime i rang them could never get through. So started ringing my own phone from work each day and same problem. Would never have known this problem existed because ringing out is fine.

Havent bothered to contact Ntl about this as my parents have already been through the mill trying to get problem sorted and its still ongoing. I dont have time to sit in and wait for their appointment call outs. Am cancelling with them soon as my contract nearly up. Will keep bb and digital as have never had a problem at all with these so dont know why with phone. Also their customer service is unbelieveable to deal with so be wary of this.
Ive had all 3 services from ntl for a year...no probs with phone or BB was pleasantly surprised when my BB speed was increased for free a couple of months in
We have this issue all the time, our parents are constantly not able to get through to the phone in the house. NTL (after repeated phone calls) said that we need to re-boot the phone modem.
We got the phone recently and had a problem in the beginning with people not being able to get through. Contacted their Technical Support people who ran a test for three days and AFAIK the phone is fine since.

I've been having same problems and have rang them but no joy so far. Outgoing calls fine. People continually telling me I'm engaged or it doesn't connect at all...

We have this issue all the time, our parents are constantly not able to get through to the phone in the house. NTL (after repeated phone calls) said that we need to re-boot the phone modem.

You mean reboot the broadband modem? Did you do this and did it fix any problems?

Going to ring them again..sigh..

Edit: Rang them and they told me that my modem was on for the last 90 days and a reboot would fix things... Will try later.

For info - Maybe others did know, but I didn't - you can check your voicemail externally with NTL.