NPPR Increased penalties from 31 Aug


Registered User
A friend (really) has received a letter from the council demanding payment of NPPR for a second apartment at a rented property.

The property is one house which has been let as two separate units.

NPPR has been paid for the house, lets call it no. 25 High Street. The council now demands additional NPPR for the apartment at No. 25 High Street.

The amount demanded is €4,220 increasing to €7,230 in September.

Some questions arising from this.

Is NPPR payable on the apartment, no planning permission exists for the apartment.

If NPPR is paid for the apartment does this confer any rights, or can the council collect NPPR now and later say the apartment is a breach of planning and the house must be put back as a single unit.

Does the €4,220 have to be paid in full before 31 Aug or is a payment plan possible.

If a payment plan is put in place before 31 August does this stop the increase in penalties.

If a payment plan is to be proposed to the council what are they likely to accept.

As this is a one off liability, i.e. LPT is up to date, would a payment plan extending over many years be accepted by the council.

Would a 5 year payment plan or a 10 year plan be acceptable.

Any insights or advice very welcome.
The breach of planning will always be there, but if the work has been done for more than 7 years the LA is precluded from enforcement under the planning laws.
However a breach of building regulations is another story and if these are not met, especially fire regs for a multi-dwelling, then the whole property could be deemed not habitable.

This article seems to set out the consequences of non payment.
The charge for 12 years could be a problem as it will apply to both.