Now we know why our senators look so smug, 7000 trvaelling expenses for what


Registered User
I get the distinct impression that their is an undercurrent of total dissatisfaction building up within the populace and could lead to a complete reversal in politics. It is becoming more and more apparent that politicians are only interested in serving the needs of the rich while at the same time clobbering the not so well off.

Each day I read of more income that is taken from people who cant afford it and yet the government expects the economy to grow!!! HOW.

The latest wheeze is the senators travelling expenses of 7k a year but at the same time we read of taxing child benefit?

Come on, call an election and see how well your policies stand up.
NOAH, what is your solution?

And remember that your answer must be legal and constitutional.
My solution is the same as last time, passive resistance, vote for no one at the next election and let the civil service run the country ie take orders from the troika. In this way we would get shot of all the shysters in the dail, close down the seanad. Then after 4 or 5 years a new political structure could be introduced one which makes those elected answerable to the electorate. Get rid of old idiotic practises eg the wigs bit for a start. Get rid of jobs by favour.

I know it will never happen but it would sure scare a lot of the current crowd witless. I am being polite there.
Vote for no one at the next election and let the civil service run the country

Un-constitutional. Our Republic cannot function legally without elected representatives and more importantly a Government.

Close down the senad.

Again, un-constitutional. Believe it or not, Seanad Eireann serves a purpose, no matter how big or small you may think it is, it does serve a purpose. It needs major reform however, the election of members by Universities or failed TD's for instance.

Get rid of old idiotic practises eg the wigs bit for a start.

Wigs? Are you talking about the Courts? This ended a couple of years ago [broken link removed]
I think Noah is talking about the Senate. But, it is going to be disbanded, isn't it? Well isn't it? Well, it will, won't it? Of course, it will, just wait another little century.
I think Noah is talking about the Senate. But, it is going to be disbanded, isn't it? Well isn't it? Well, it will, won't it? Of course, it will, just wait another little century.

To allow for this, you need a yes vote in a referendum to change the constitution.
My solution is the same as last time, passive resistance, vote for no one at the next election and let the civil service run the country

Given the fact the we've had a total change of the guard regarding the politicians in office with little or no change, perhaps it is the top levels in the civil service who are indeed running the country....
Why not put a stop completely no expenses, or is that too simple? Dont know any business that pays expenses from home to work..
I know this is letting off steam but is there any chance that the comments might be thought out and as Ronan says, legal & constitutional?
Why not put a stop completely no expenses, or is that too simple?

I would think that too simple. Surely expenses legitimately incurred to fulfill your role should be repaid to the employee ?

As an aside to the OP, which Senators look smug ?