Notice to complete house sale


Registered User
I am selling a house, and buying another one, We have reached the date of completion on the contracts, and my new house isnt ready yet. can anyone help with the following?

when does the 28 day notice to complete start, when it is issued, or from the date on the contract

also is it 28 days after that date, or on that date?

If you are buying a new house, it is unlikely that you can serve a 28 day notice. Usually, the builders give themselves some flexibility.

The 28 day notice is effective from day of service (if served by fax or hand delivered). Otherwise, it takes effect a day or two later.

You really need to speak to your solicitor.
Thanks for that, i was thinking about notice on the house i am selling. have a date to get in from builder, and buyer wants to move in before that, they are threatning to issue a notice to close.

Looks like it is 28 days after the notice is issued, which should mean i can meet my dates.
