Not needed at work on Monday. Will I be paid?


Registered User

I'm in new employment after 5 years in college. I have a contract which states "Your normal hours of work are 27 and a half per week". I am required to fill in bi-weekly time sheets, and handed in my first one today. I'll be paid in a week's time.

This afternoon I had a call from the deputy manager to say that I am not needed on Monday so take the day off. I was afraid to ask if this means I will be paid.

I'm new, and feeling a little isolated and don't feel confident enough to ask my manager what it means. My hourly rate is little more than minimum wage and I'm concerned a) that I will miss out on 20% of weekly earnings, and b) that my employer is entitled to cut my hours/pay at such short notice.

Any opinions?


Does your contract say anything about short-time working?
It is unlikely that you will be paid if you are not working.