Northern Rock Residency Issue


Registered User
I applied for opening a Northern Rock Online Demand account today. I want to use it for transferring in my SSIA when it matures next month.
The problem is I have to send in one of the following:
- Tax-free allowance certificate
- Balancing statement from Revenue Commissioners
- Revenue Commissioners C2 tax certificate
- Social Insurance documents
- Other tax or Department of Social and Family Affairs document addressed to the applicant and showing the PPSN

I have been working outside Ireland for about 12 months, not sure how much longer, 12 - 24 months max. Is there anything I can to do regarding the stated documents above?

If not, does Rabo Direct apply the same criteria?
I was reading the following guide from the goverment site regarding switching banks and it doesn't state that you have to be resident to open an account.
I have been living abroad for over 3 years, and I contacted all the online banks (Rabo , Bank of Scotland, Northern Rock etc etc) about opening an account with them, and they all stated that I needed to be a tax resident to open the account. Proving you're a tax resident is done by providing them with the documentation that you have mentioned above. unless you have that, you're struggling unfortunately.
I cashed in my SSIA early, due to residency issues, and transferred my money over to my australian bank account, so that i could put it into an online demand account over here, rates of 5.5%-6%.
I know I will lose some money on currency conversions, but the interest earned in the meantime will hopefully outweigh that considerably.
Perhaps there are online demand accounts in whatever country you are currently resident in, which offer good rates of return, which you consider transferring your SSIA money into .
I dont want to start yet another new thread. I am a resident of Ireland -no problem with that. I was just wondering if anybody could tell me what Documents (other than the application form) you need to provide to NR to open a new a/c?
I couldnt find this info on NR website.
You will need to provide them with proof of ID (passport, drivers licence, or certified copy of same), proof of residence (utility bill) and proof of tax status (as outlined in the original post).

All banks require proof of ID and residence, others (Rabo and NR and possibly anyone offering a savings/deposit account) require proof of tax status (Rabodirect has a post on why this is necessary elsewhere on AAM).
If not, does Rabo Direct apply the same criteria?
I was reading the following guide from the goverment site regarding switching banks and it doesn't state that you have to be resident to open an account.

Rabo applies the same criteria-they are required to do so-or so they said elsewhere on AAM.

There is no law to stop non-residents opening most types of accounts, but it is always at the bank's discretion whether or not to offer accounts to anyone (be they resident or non-resident).

This is correct. You must be a permanent resident of Ireland to open a Savings Account with RaboDirect.