Non-google search engines




Since it looks like google no longer index ezboard sites below the forum pages we are looking for alternative search engines which might index the actuall forums.

A lot of search engines out there use google results anyway and so don't report anything different than google itself.

Can anyone recommend any non-google based search engines which we can try out ?


I tried using my handle as a search string:

Yahoo!: No results were found for "ajapale"
Google: Results 1-6 for "ajapale" 4 referenced aam
Overture: No results were found for "ajapale"
Ask Jeeves: No results were found for "ajapale"
Internet Finds: No results were found for "ajapale"

Not much luck there Im afraid

Lycos shows 3 for 'elcato ezboard'
Alltheweb shows 89 for 'elcato ezboard' but they seem to be old
msn shows 3 for 'elcato ezboard'

It looks like most/all the search engines have stopped indexing ezboard sites.

Hi zag,

Im not a search engine expert but I found this discusssion interesting: It appears some ezboard users at least dont want the spiders to search their forums.

That link doesn't seem to work. Note that [broken link removed] can be used to tell (ask?) search engines/spiders not to index websites but I don't know of any way for individual ezBoard administrators to use this facility since the low level web server issues are controlled by ezBoard themselves. Maybe ezBoard have a robots.txt file on each of their servers which is blocking search engine indexation or something like that?