non banking company owned by german banks?


Registered User

I was told to find out if there were any non-banking companies in Ireland owned by German banks. Does anybody know if these exist or how I should go about finding out?

I was told to find out if there were any non-banking companies in Ireland owned by German banks. Does anybody know if these exist or how I should go about finding out?

Jeez....who asked you that? - Do they have any idea what they are asking for?

What is the definition of "owned"; wholly owned subsidiary, controlling shareholding, majority shareholding, significant shareholding, debenture / loan stock holdings????

What is the definition of "German banks" - German plc banks, regional banks, banks with offices in Germany, subsidiaries of German banks, wholly owned subsidiaries of German Banks????

What is the definition of non-banking; companies without a banking licence, companies that don't supply services to banks, companies not in the financial services sector???

What is the definiton of Irish companies; companies with a registered office in Ireland, companies with operations in Ireland, companies with irish shareholders???

In my opinion that is an impossible question to answer, but if I had to I would start with the IDA, then failing that you get a list of "German" banks, get a copy of their annual report and start looking.