Noise Proofing



We bought a new house semi detached 2yrs ago and lived in it blissfully for the first year, as next door was not lived in. Then our neighbour rented his house out to 2 sisters, now we hear nearly everthing in the house. Now in fairness they are noisey sometimes but its not always their fault as you can hear nearly everthing. Tem walking in heals ont he wooden floor, if they move the chair across the room.
In our house the master bedroom is over the kitchen and if one wants a lyin in the other cannot do a thing in the kitchen as you can hear the dishwasher being emptied and even if there is a conversation you hear it, I though that maybe this was just because we have a wooden floor in our bedroom and not carpet. But we were in bed last night and at 2am the neighbours were in their kitchen and you could nearly hear word for word thier conversation.
I really don't know where to go from here, how do we organise a sound test? And if the house fails the sound test is the builder liable????
Can anyone advise us??
Hi Lizzie,

Welcome to AAM.

This topic has been covered a few times on AAM and there are many threads that refer to problems with soundproofing especially in new houses/apartments.

This previous thread (make sure to read to the end of the full thread) should give you some advice. There are others that might help also.

Shout if you need any further advice.

This link should give you some contact info for organising a field test for your house, by all accounts you need one. There are standard specs for houses in the case of acoustic requirements, and they are clearly identified in the building regulations.

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