NI shopping exodus 'swings and roundabouts'

Lucky for me i live 5mile form newry& 3mile form dundalk best of both worlds i would say. lol.
100% right 007 nice to see someone knows there stuff,lol.
There is no place on this planet that is 5 miles from Dundalk and 3 miles from Newry, even if you ignore the roads and drive through the fields. The straight-line distance between them is more than 10 miles. I know my stuff. I don't see great value in using so much fuel and time, and perhaps the cost of a meal out, to save €40 or €50. My income comes from my neighbours. Most of my spending is local, so that some of their income comes from me. I don't see it as patriotism; I see it as being a good neighbour. And I'd rather spend my money buying stuff from them than spend it as increased tax to support them on the dole. [PS: I wrote 3 paragraphs, but when I posted, everything was converted into one paragraph.]

Wrong way round my good man i said 5 miles from newry 3 miles dundalk , Were does newry start not the city of newry?

This isn't about small shopkeepers. It's about supermarkets. People doing a large shop. I wholeheartedly endorse spending in local retailers but when it comes to spending €200 on a trolley load of groceries from a megamarket, why not do it where you will save 30%.

I will repeat, it is the EU which has enabled us to travel freely, purchase at will and save a few quid. It's also EU membership which has led loads of foreign companies to base their European operations here.

What would you prefer? An Ireland with little or no foreign investment, high unemployment and a big blockade at the border or else the current situation?
There was no one complaning when the people in the north were filling there cars &25L drums up with petrol in the south & going back north with it,if the shoe fits wear it, live & let live its turn about if you ask me.
Do you not think that Dunnes and Tesco have a lot of suppliers they use in both markets? The product range in both markets are almost identical. Surely they can offer the Republic of Ireland a better price based on the buying power of both populations.

I presume the reason Aldi and Lidl are able to significantly undercut the opposition is because they use their buying power to reduce the prices. Don't get me wrong they are no better than Dunnes & Tesco. They charge the Irish much more than they do in other countries, even for Irish products! It's just that they don't have to cut their margins by much to beat the other supermarkets.

The government can't have it both ways. We are Irish when it suits them. They are telling us to be good Europeans and to put the good of Europe ahead of the good of Ireland (recent Lisbon Treaty stuff is a prime example), but when it suits them the 6 counties become a foreign country to be avoided, that we are being unpatriotic by shopping elsewhere.

People are going to shop wherever they want regardless of what the government says.

Even when things were good I wouldn't buy something that was twice the price in a convenience store if I could get it cheaper in a supermarket a few minute further up the road. With Christmas coming up people have a choice - have a leaner, meaner Christmas or shop around and try to make your money go a little further.

With the recent spate of sales that could be here in the Republic but it might not be. It is about time the Irish flexed their consumer muscles and force the big retailers to compete and not just price match.
So should Mary Harneys advice be 'shop around', as long as you don't commit treason and head to the north?

Has it not crossed your mind that people work in supermarkets? When I spend my money locally, I am not very interested in the profits the supermarket owners make -- generally, they are not my neighbours. I do think about the number of my neighbours who are employed in the shops I use. Their jobs are on the line. In one place where I shop, most of the staff have had their hours cut.

Using your figures of €200 for a load of shopping and a 30% saving that's €60 I could gain at the cost of, say, 15 litres of petrol at €1 per litre, some wear and tear on my car, say 6 hours of my time, and let's allow €6 for a snack. I don't think it is worth it.

But I'm not telling anybody else what to do.
Very good, now for the next bit were does newry start? not newry city, an what planet do you live on?

A planet where some people play silly buggers with the facts, and others don't. As we are discussing shopping, it is reasonable to measure distance from the main retailers in one town to the main retailers in the other -- say the Long Walk to the Buttercrane.
So it's ok for the Government to award contracts to other E.U. Countries but us fools all have to shop at home.
Save some money make some jam sambos an take them with you as a snack ,as for petrol free wheel from cloughouge bridge newry co armagh down in to newry city 2 mile FACT.