Newstalk Health Insurance discussion


Registered User
I was listening to a health insurance discussion yesterday (Weds 28th Dec) on The Right Hook (hosted by someone else as George is off over Xmas) and they had a chap on who was pretty clued into the whole health insurance issues in Ireland.
He sounded like a broker but I am not sure if he was or not. Anyway, at the end of the interview they gave out the mans website but due to driving in an area with bad coverage I didnt get it.

Did anyone hear this interview and more importantly get his website address as I would be interested in having a look.

You should be able to listen to it here [broken link removed].

They seem to be a day behind so Wednesday's programme should become available tomorrow.
You should be able to listen to it here [broken link removed].

They seem to be a day behind so Wednesday's programme should become available tomorrow.

Thanks Sue Ellen,
I have already mailed them but no reply as yet but I will try to listen back tomorrow.