Newstalk 106



Just wondering if anybody is listening to City Edition on Newstalk 106, at the moment. The Money Doctor is on, and some of listeners queries seemed very familiar so I logged onto AAM, and there were the questions word for word! Seems a very lazy way to do radio to me. Does it pass as plagiarism?

I like Newstalk 106 and listen to it when I'm in the Greater Dublin Area.

I find it flattering that they would choose to get their questions and answers from AAM! AAM has come of age.

I have noticed that on Mondays Irish Independent that the questions often have a striking similarity to topics discussed on AAM. In fairness they do change the english a bit.

Brendan has suggested that in the furure aspects of AAM might be franchised to Newspapers and Radio Stations.

Re: Flattery

The Money Doctor is on, and some of listeners queries seemed very familiar so I logged onto AAM, and there were the questions word for word! Seems a very lazy way to do radio to me. Does it pass as plagiarism?

Are you sure that the Q&As were taken verbatim from AAM? After all, there are only so many ways to ask and answer certain personal finance questions which, in spite of this, crop up time and time again...

As far as I know the Money Doctor is John Lowe - not but head of Providence Finance. I also know that NewsTalk once billed their finance slot as the "ask about money" slot which I felt was a bit confusing and possibly plagiaristic. At the time I mentioned this in the Moderators' Forum and Brendan made contact with John Lowe about it. As far as I remember there was no intention on the part of John or NewsTalk to plagiarise the AAM "brand" such as it is and I remember Brendan saying that John was an affable bloke with whom he had a nice chat about this and other matters of personal finance. Perhaps Brendan mentioned to him that they might want to use AAM as a source for Q&As if they found it necessary although if he did I'd imagine that he'd make sure to get the site mentioned as a quid pro quo.
Re: Flattery

Virtually every question you can ask about money, has been asked and answered on Askaboutmoney. So if the Indo, The Irish Times or Newstalk, answers money questions, there are bound to be similarities. I know that the Indo gets lots of questions, so they have no need to plagiarise. I am sure that Newstalk is the same. There are so many errors in the Irish Times answers, that I doubt if they are plagiarising either.

Some years ago, a particularly interesting question and answer which would have had very broad relevance to a lot of people, came up on Askaboutmoney and I suggested to Bill Tyson that he reproduce it. I can't rememer if he did or not.

When I was answering questions for the Indo, I often posted the question and my proposed answer on AAM, to get a second opinion. But I always flagged what I was doing.
