New Permanent TSB fixed rates


Registered User
Due to the continuing fluctuation in our cost of funds permanent tsb will continue to suspend fixed rates for customers looking to fix their existing mortgage.

However, customers who are rolling off fixed rates or discounted rates, who receive an automated 20 day options letter will, for the moment, receive fixed rate options at the following rates:

Residential Existing Business Fixed Rate
Old Rate
New Rate
2 year Fixed
5 year Fixed
7 year Fixed
10 year Fixed

RIP Existing Business Fixed Rate
Old Rate
New Rate
2 year Fixed
5 year Fixed

These rates are effective from start of business Friday 11th February and will be available for a limited period of time.

All fixed rates will remain under review as the cost of funds continues to fluctuate.

New Business Fixed Rates
New Business Fixed rates are still available, and are subject to a maximum Loan to Value of 50%.
Sorry about the lousy formatting. The above is a cut and paste from an e-mail. I think you can get the picture anyway.
Shocking rates of interest. Not much more you can add really.

Actually I was talking about the old rates...
That is unless your locked in to them through negative equity..fair play to anyone that can afford to pay those rates...Mark my words though, if they continue with this approach they are going to reach a proverbial "Tipping Point" with their customers that they may not have envisioned as they sat planning these moves in the confines of their hq...
these look like "please take your business elsewhere" rates

Or hand back your key rates,

Has anyone got a wheelbarrow, I think its time for a wheel barrow of keys to be sent into the PSTB bank. Thats absolutely shocking.
Agreed..I think this type of aggressive rate rising on customers who cant do anything about switching only encourages those would normally have diligently tried their best to pay the mortgage, to instead say to hell with this and not bother any more.. as I said all ready its a big gamble that TSB are taking here..
Recent Variable rate increases

I'm on a variable rate with PTSB and with the recent increase won't be able to continue to make the payments. That's before the ECB come along later in the year and increase rates.

I'm wondering if there is an appetite for a large group of people to take a stand against PTSB. Surely if enough of us stop our monthly payments and demand to be treated more fairly they will have to consider a more measured approach?

Is this an idea that could take hold and would you be willing to take the risk?
God yeah it's staggering... These were the kind of rates that people were used to talking about back in the 90's difference between now and then was that back then most people had mortgages in their ten's of thousands and now there in their hundreds of thousands, absolutely staggering!!!
I have to say initial feeling is that this is a strategic move on PTSB's very hard to figure what they are up to but there will not be any taker's on that 5yr rate...IMO

I am not with PTSB myself but maybe that is exactly the reaction they are looking for..Maybe the banks will push their customers into a corner so they react and refuse to pay causing the government to step in and help the BANKERS once again, wouldn't be surprised!!!
Collective key gathering is the only way forward with a wheelbarrow, but to make an issue of it all papers and tv channels should be notified. I'm with KBC who also increased their 5 year rate to 5.5% yesterday, not as bad as the 8.75% by PSTB.

Collective power is the only way, perhaps a new facebook page to get people moving. It is a scandal. Surely no one here would deny that.

Bankers have taken the Irish people as fools, its time for 'An equal but opposite reaction' to the equation.

The banks don't care about how you or I have struggled over the last few years so why should we care about them anymore, who ever said the cost of living is coming down!!!

Mark my suspicion is that this will probably happen naturally anyway over the coming year..It might sound overly optimistic but something in my waters tells me they know some form of control or attempt to stop them will manifest itself over the coming year with a new govt. While they havent been bailed out (yet!!) they have still received the blanket guarantee and I suspect that something will be done here, so my advice to people considering these fixed rates would be to forget about them..there not realistic at all...
The banks see you and me as the little quiet mouse in the corner of the room, if you head left they have you with their left foot, if you head right they have you with the right foot, and straight ahead forget about it.

Its time for the mouse to act like a rat.
'Will the financial regulator please stand up'.

They didn't when they should have in the past now it's time to do what you are paid to do. Protect the customers of financial institutions.
fixed last week at 5.75% for 5years... i should feel lucky but i dont! There a shower of c*nts.
Yes, five years is fine for now, guess I better fix too at KBC for 5.5%. The only thing is that you will be fixing the next time at 25%
PTSB are obviously factoring in where they see their variable rate going to in the next few years.
The ECB rate has dropped 3.25% since a couple of years ago so if it was to get back up to that level, even variable rates would be around the 8% mark.
[broken link removed]

Temporary eh?