New online only bank?


Registered User
What is there name of the new online only bank which became available to Irish customers in the last couple of years?

It might've been Germany based?
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I've been using N26 for some time now. Very easy to use and so far have saved on the no quarterly fees. I am a very light bank user just transfering funds for bills and have managed to never withdraw more than 5 times pm at ATM. I actually find it helps you get better control.
Nice to hear that all Paddy Fin Cosgrave on MI,

“The people at the forefront of banking, payments technology, blockchain and cryptocurrency will gather in Dublin for MoneyConf,” he said. “By day, we’ll be running our standard conference, by night we’ll be taking over the city again,” he added.

Other speakers due to appear include Valentin Stalf, founder and chief executive of N26 , Kristo Kaarmann, chief executive of TransferWise, and Kathryn Patralia, chief operating officer of Kabbage.

No mention of our 'Pillar banks'.
I've been using N26 for some time now. Very easy to use and so far have saved on the no quarterly fees.
Are you sure this is still the case ? I remember actually closing mine due to general lack of usage and the clincher for me was the fact that they were introducing fees for the first time.
I had a look-see at this bank. I use a Revolut card, particularly handy when in non-Eurozone areas, and its mostly online, atho they have issued me a Mastercard debit card, with all the security features that N26 seems to offer. As I have an Open24 Current account with P/TSB who don't have routine charges, (would that they weren't so pricey outside the Eurozone!) I don't see the point of this offering. Am I missing something?
Are you sure this is still the case ? I remember actually closing mine due to general lack of usage and the clincher for me was the fact that they were introducing fees for the first time.
2 days ago.
This is a heads up to let you know that we’ll collect a stamp duty tax of €0.36 from your account in the coming days.
Please ensure that you have sufficient funds in your account to cover this tax.