New neighbours at it like rabbits please help me

Just turn on some music really loud when she starts screaming. When she shuts up turn it down again. Repeat until they get the message.
Cahir's idea is good.

Alternatively start a running commentary on them when they start at it. " never do that anymore darling"...or..."I wonder if she's on her knees at the moment?"...that kinda thing! They'll get the message soon enough!
I know it’s easy to treat this as a joke, but as other posts have made clear, the level of sound protection in modern Irish buildings in negligible. (It’s not that good in old building’s either). I know of one young girl who was very proud of her first apartment, until her first morning there when she was woken by the sound of the toilet functions of her neighbours. So perhaps car's suggestion of a conversation that highlights how easy sounds travel would be the best.

While I think you would have cause for complaint if they were playing loud music or the TV late at night, but it is very difficult to object to people performing their sacred marital rights (as J B Keane would have put it) at 11:30 pm. Perhaps, as the walls are that thin, you could start reciting a decade of the Rosary at about 11:25: that might put them off (but you never know).

Otherwise, does the lady in question have red hair? For some reason, after reading your posts, I’m reminder of the words of Bruce Springsteen – “Wise up stud, your life’s been wasted; ‘til you’ve gone down on your knees and tasted a Red Haired Woman”.
How old is the house. If it's a new house, it might be worth checking if it meets the minimum requirements for soundproofing, and getting the builder to rectify it.
II’m reminder of the words of Bruce Springsteen – “Wise up stud, your life’s been wasted; ‘til you’ve gone down on your knees and tasted a Red Haired Woman”.

Ya bleedin durt buurd, you're not the inspiration for the randy auld one on the RTE show are you?
Ya bleedin durt buurd, you're not the inspiration for the randy auld one on the RTE show are you?
It's worse, the song actually says "Red-headed woman", stick a comma in between headed and woman and it has a whole different meaning.
We had exactly the same problem in the last house we lived in. At first we thought it was hilarious but it soon became very boring and annoying. The lady in question was also a screamer. They were at it every night, she'd begin by screaming and then exactly the same dialogue....yes yes yes, you're the best, you've found it.....screaming again. Then a pause for about five minutes and they'd start all over again!!

After a week or so of this we'd had enough. The next time the screaming started Mr. LW banged loudly on the wall and shouted..." are you alright in there, should I dial 999?" He shouted back, it's ok she just stubbed her toe! We never heard them again.

In that case you'd have expected him to be the one screaming
Aren't this couple only doing what nature intended them to do. They are within their own 4 walls or maybe that should be 3 walls!!! - it's the 4th wall that is the problem.
Why don't you ask your neighbours if they are prepared to share the cost of sound proofing the dividing wall.
....yes yes yes, you're the best, you've found it.....screaming again. Then a pause for about five minutes and they'd start all over again!!

Found what? Sounds like an innocent game of hide and seek to me
Okay, I was talking to my neighbour yesterday the screaming lady in question!! We got talking blah blah blah..I said to her oh did you have your washing machine on last night I could hear a thumping noise.

She said no she didnt I said oh I must have been hearing things or maybe it was my daughter banging the wall as walls are desperate thin and house is so hard to heat!!

So that was grand and she brought me in to see her tiles and floors. Very nice indeed. I had a cuppa and left.

Last night..........

No noise what so ever!!!!
Another good sex life bites the dust.

it's awful really that people cant have sex in their own home without their neighbours hearing every word...

It may be difficult to actually come out and say this, but would it not be mutually beneficial to actually sort the problem out, and get the walls soundproofed? That way you and your husband, or when the time comes your daughter and her likeminded friend will be able to go at it like rabbits without being overheard!

Personal experience old apartment dublin city can hear the people in bedroom above us going at it. The sound is mostly that of the bed shaking but you can get a whiff of some moaning when they're really having fun!
It's a problem that could be sorted easily at design stage.

If your typical semi-d was built the other way around (i.e. so that the hall doors were beside each other rather than at the extremes), the "headboard" walls of the two master bedrooms would be three rooms apart rather than three inches.

So you might bump into your neighbour more. Small price for a comfortable sex life or a good night's sleep when you want it.