New neighbours at it like rabbits please help me


Registered User
Bascially my new neighbours moved in offically monday. They have been in and out the past few weeks doing work etc. Anytime ive seen them we say hello,how are you? They seem friendly.

Anyways Monday night Mr. Blueshoes and I could hear everything and I mean everything from our bedroom. Their room is right beside us iykwim! I just thought ok no need to worry,there just excited about beingn in there new house christining it if you like.

Then last night, just after 11.30 it stated again. So we headed for our spare room which is our guest room. Noise wasnt as bad then.

What can I do? Im not a chicken and I will go round there but I will be embassered and am looking for ideas on what to say?

To think we have lived here nearly a year now with no neighbours either side. Is this payback?

If it keeps up to night I will be going around tomorrow.

Please help me.
If it continues I'd make an audio tape and slip it through their letterbox..!! Might shame them into action (or inaction as the case may be), while also not giving the game away as to who has 'complained' since they might think it came from another neighbour...
If not selling it to a company that does the sound tracks for porn films might at least make you a few bob.
Why don't you and Mr. Blueshoes start making alot of noise yourselves...They might get the hint
so is it like "When Harry met Sally"? How on earth do you broach that subject with strangers - I guess you are just going to have to live with it.
Tell them it's a real turn-on and ask them to let you know when they are at it again. I bet that'll shut them up.
As always with cases like this, very hard to make a suggestion without an address and a bag of popcorn...

But seriously, you could strike up a friendly conversation asking how are they getting on, what do they think of the house etc, then subtley drop in the old "..the walls are very very thin here arent they, can you hear us? coz we can hear you even walking round the house.." not mentioning the other thing. leave them figure it out for themselves. If it still occurs, be more forward. If you march straight in with the "can you keep it down please..." approach, I guarantee someday in the future you'll get a knock on your door yourselves about something youve been doing...
Take a search through the Homes & Gardens forum, there's a thread or two on checking the sound insulation between adjoining houses. There are minimum standards here, perhaps this isn't up to code in your case?
Don't forget that they can hear you on Friday nights too!

Best hope is that they will get married, then the noise will die out pretty quickly.
Are they a good looking couple ? Is it an option to invite them around for a nightcap with house keys on the coffee table...??
It's difficult to offer a view without knowing the extent of the problem.

Maybe if you were to tape the proceedings and upload them on youtube we could inform ourselves accordingly.................
The builder of this property is the real villain of the piece...personally I think complaining about your neighbour having sex at 11.30pm in their own home is pretty outrageous.
The builder of this property is the real villain of the piece...personally I think complaining about your neighbour having sex at 11.30pm in their own home is pretty outrageous.

Have to agree here - i'd have a problem if they had parties going on all night but a couple having sex at 11.30 is not that much to worry about - unless in goes on for hours and hours - in which case i'll need his phone number to verify!
Hi again.

Thank you all for the comments. Some much appreciated, others not so much!!

The same thing last night happened. The fella is quite good looking if I do say so myself, her not so much but whatever this has got to do with it I dont know.

The noise is more coming from her side of things. I dont have a problem with people having sex in there house after 11.30 I cudnt care less I just dont want to be listening to it.

Also, we have a little girl trying to sleep in another room and I dont want her to be awoken by this and coming to me and saying Mummy why is that lady screaming!!

Anyways, Im going to go with car's advice on it, they are only new and I dont want to fall out with them.

I'l make it my business to be in the garden when either of them comes home from work and strike up a conversation.

Many thanks
Hi again.

The same thing last night happened. The fella is quite good looking if I do say so myself, her not so much but whatever this has got to do with it I dont know.

The noise is more coming from her side of things.

yup - going to need that number