New Conservatory -- conflicting quotes


New Member

I would like to rebuild my 35 years old conservatory which is about 14sq meters in size and very drafty and not insulated. The conservatory has a concrete roof and tiles but is made of glass panels. for 80%. I would like to rebuild it a bit bigger about 16sq meters and instead of using glass all over I would be happy to just use a large front door and two side windows, instead of all the glass that is currently in use.

I contacted two builders and the first quote after sending videos and pictures was quite high, about 41000€

3500€ to demolish the current conservatory (being basically almost all glass panels I think it's sky high)
31000€ rebuilding a new one
2500€ PVC windows and doors
500€ paint
3000€ tiles (including kitchen that is part of the same floor as the conservatory)
500€ insurance

The second builder came directly to the house to have a look and quoted between 17000€ to 20000€
for the same, and said he will send me a more detailed quote.
So I wonder why I got such different figures. Which one is more realistic ? Any idea ?

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The message there is that the €41k builder does not want the job - it's too small, they're too busy etc - but will do it if you're throwing money at them. Second quote sounds like it's more in the right ballpark.
Thanks a lot for your feedback, i would like to do the same and am about to ask for similar quotes
A lot of cost in the demolishing comes from disposing of the stuff, at least that's what they tell me!

Your second quote looks unbelieveable cheap to me in today's terms, I actually had to double check the date on post in case it was an old post dragged up! I built a conservatory/sunroom or whatever you want to call it of similar size 20 yrs ago and it cost me 15k. I'd find it hard to imagine you'd get anything of that size built these days for less than 20k, there was no demolishing in mine either, straightforward build.

I don't even think the first quote sounds expensive considering some of the prices being charged these days, possibly the tiles sound expensive, doors/windows sound cheap. Painting a bit too much for me but then I'd do that myself.
If you want to be comfortable in your new room, then pay special attention to the quality of the glazing because if you don't then no amount of insulation or air tightness will make it a comfortable space during the winter. Research "Passive Certified" windows / doors
Thanks to all for the replies and tips
I actually had to double check the date on post in case it was an old post dragged up!
My thoughts too, that kind of price was more suggestive of the old style conservatory that most people have replaced in recent years because they were too cold to use in winder and too warm in summer.