New Build Contract Signing


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I have first refusal on a house due to be completed in early September, developer is holding out on confirming a price but when would they normally have to confirm to get contracts etc completed by expected finishing date? I would have thought at least 3 months prior so start of June at the latest.

Not really an answer to your question, but if you don't mind sharing, how do you get first refusal on a new build? We are interested in a new build in a very small group of houses (rest of build is mainly apartments and duplexes) and are funding it difficult to get any meaningful information from the EA negotiator. Only a vague idea of price and multiple comments about how they are inundated with interest from cash buyers. Am also interested in the answer to your question.
To come back to this we are after receiving the price at last, a nice 5% jump on what was expected initially with the massive increase in building costs given as the reason.

We got first refusal as I went straight to the developer after seeing that they had planning and on their website they said it was coming soon. They never actually went to market, well haven't with the first phase anyway. With the demand out there I think we were very lucky.
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