Neighbours car with bike rack permanently mounted on rear

What he is doing is not the end of the world and nice to see him and family getting out cycling, just its a bit unneighbourly etc.
The suggestion in the first post is that this is more an issue of attitude and lack of consideration for neighbours or other road users, linked to the fact that the rack could be removed.
lazy ignoramus is what springs to mind.
lazy ignoramus is what springs to mind.
Based on just the OP's side of the story alone, and the OP has already said this individual 'loves to be controversial'. So there is more to this issue than the parking.

Some of these bike racks are a pain to mount/ dismount, so most people who use them regularly leave them in place.
Which is fine if you arent causing anyone else an issue.
Well, we know the person who has previous with the owner says they are put out, that isn't confirmation of a real issue but the bin lorry can manage..