Neighbour for the birds! Wants me to get rid of nest


Registered User
I live in a detached house but my next door neighbour has complained that birds that have nested somewhere in our gutter, are destroying his windows and car with their droppings.
I don't want to take out the nest, they don't bother me and guess the birds will be gone in a few weeks time anyhow. I think they are starlings.
Any suggestions on how to handle this? I'm flabbergasted to say the least and feel it is a petty complaint. I'm new here so don't want to fall out over this.
Forget about your neighbours' complaint if you are happy to keep the nest and birds. Tell them you are going to get some "special" cats.
God knows what they may come up with in the future if you give way.
I think some birds are protected.
All birds are protected unless there is an order from the Minister for the Environment allowing you to shoot certain species of birds for crop protection during certain periods or they are game birds in season.
Heard noise in my sitting room, coupled with lots of stuff coming down the chimney and onto floor and discovered it would appear there is a nest in my chimney. I have not got one of those hat type things on chimney. Someone suggested that I get someone to clean the chimney and scupper the nest.

Have to say I was absolutely disgusted, would not do that while birds nesting. Anyone any idea how long it takes for nest to be flushed as will do it then.

You should leave the nest alone for the next 2 - 3 months as the birds are probably nesting and it takes about 7 - 8 weeks for the babies to fly the nest. I would say let the birds have the chimney for the rest of the summer (please God you won't need to light a fire this summer!) then when the chimney goes quiet of all bird related noise, have it cleaned and a have a suitable chimney cover fitted to prevent any future nestings.

When the little starlings hatch it could get a bit noisy especially during first feed at 5am !
The starlings are probably not in the gutter but have a nest inside the eaves of the roof. There is probably a small hole there somewhere. They are messy birds too.
My advice would be to wait for the new starling family to fly off and then block up the hole.
But your neighbour will need to get used to increased starling poo as the summer goes on...
In the interests of good neighbourliness, why not offer to clean the car and windows until the birds leave the nest. If I were in the position your neighbour was in, I would not be too happy with my car and windows getting pooed on - although I would draw the line at removing it - its a temporary problem after all...
Offer to wash the car . . . ? Forget about it.

Birds do this kind of thing. It's not as if it is unnatural. If it was your own personal pet seagull who lived in your garden and decided to do a few circles of the neighbours house after a good feed he might have a case, but it's not and he doesn't.

It's the car that is the problem, not the birds.

If you look around, you will probably see (and here) that there are several starlings around your area, and they generally live in the eaves of attics - they can get through small holes and usually nest in the gutter where the ridge tiles may shelter it, or in a nice piece of insulation - get rid of the nest, and your neighbour might be the next port of call!! There is little way of stopping them - if you try to block off all the gaps in the eaves, you may affect the ventilation in the attic so be wary.

I have them in my eaves right beside my bedroom and they are noisy - tend to move around a lot in themorning and last thing at night as they are sipping cocoa and taking off their slippers, but they are harmless apart from a bit of a mess near the eaves where they nest.

Maybe its a culchie thing but I've always thought that bird poo on the car is a lucky omen. Explain that to the neighbour.

And Alfie, you might think they leave a mess outside - you should see what they are doing in your roof !
I have a similar problem with starlings nests.....but all the neighbours have nests also....think the neighbour is mad to complain about such a thing...

As a general preparation for next year....Is there anyway to stop the birds getting under the eaves ? could you get some chicken wire to cover the guttering ?

we have 3 nests this year...can't really hang clothes out as they get poo'd on. I think also a chick must have died in the last day or two as there is a desperate smell in our utility room....


Unlikely to be a dead chick. Usually any dead chicks will be pushed out of the nest altogether. It could be smelly jocks ?
I have the same problem,they are in the vents in the two back bedrooms though. They werent too bad in Jan or Feb then for the last month or so all I listen to all day is birds chirping,they wake me up and only quieten down at night time. Is there anything at all I can do as I cant have guests over because the birds wake them at 5'ish.
Miss Money, you say the next 2-3 months? Is this right?That'll be August by the time I ger rid of them?
They mostly feed the chicks in the morning and thats when they are noisiest. They will get quieter as the summer goes on as they get less demanding (like babies i suppose).
They'll learn to fly before the end of summer and they'll be out and about.