Negative equity relationship breakdown


Registered User
Personal and income details
Income self: Full time employed €36k
Income history: 7 years employed with same company (public servant)
Income partner/spouse: self employed for past year but makes little profit but does not keep accounts so impossible to determine income. Guess about €100 pw at moment. Not on any social welfare
Income history: he had a job on 42k until made redundant 2009
number of children 2 - boy 8 and girl 5
Amount of Mortgage Interest Supplement received 0

Home loan
Lender: ebs
Amount outstanding: 223,000
Value of home: 100,000?? If even sellable due to location
Interest rate: 4.34% Variable
Monthly repayment €1,178
Amount in arrears 660

Other savings and investments
I own a small site at a holiday location. Just a caravan on site. In my sole name. Bought 2 years ago for €3k
No savings bar what is secured against a car loan with credit union

How important is retaining the family home to you?
I'm torn here because its the only home the kids have ever known but ex refuses to move out or contribute towards mortgage or utility bills so I feel I have no option but to move out with kids

What is your preferred realistic outcome?
I want to be free of living with my ex as he is verbally abusive when confronted with any situation. But I dread the thought of debt and bad credit rating hanging over me for the rest of my life. I don't want to abandon the house/mortgage but can't see any other option

Any other relevant information

We are not married but were engaged. The relationship has been breaking down since 2008 just after we got engaged.

I have sought legal and financial advice but am getting turned round in circles. I am really at my wits end with this as there seems to be no solution bar winning the lotto. I have read most of the posts here so I guess you'll advise I move out as ex won't. So my question is how do I approach that with the bank and what are the implications of this? Can they come after my site too?
I suppose I should add that I pay the full mortgage and have done since 2009. I also pay all the utility bills. Any bills that he commits to paying he does not and that leaves me worse off cos I haven't budgeted for them. He is financially irresponsible and burys his head in the sand hoping all his debts will go away. I cannot live with him anymore.
Hi, wondering if you ever got a solution or some kind of help with your situation, as you sound very like me and I have no idea what to do either.