Life Needing advice for life cover!


Registered User
I just got a letter in the post saying my application for life cover and illness cover has been postponed until i get a screening done for a condition in the family.
I am under pressure to get my mortgage going and could do without trying to make an appmt for the hospital now .. I rang the company and asked if my policy application could be changed to include just "life cover" because my job covers illness anyway..they told me I couldnt do this..PLEASE tell me there is a way around this as I need to move into my house ASAP and this is going to delay matters significantly..

Advice appreciated
There are certain circumstances that you don't have to have a life policy in place for a mortgage (If you're over a certain age or if the house is an investment property). If you're confident that you need it (even if you don't need it, its a very good idea to have at least a decreasing policy in place anyway) then they're may not be anyway around going for the screening as you will have to disclose your postponement to any new company. If you are declined by all companies after the screening, your lender may agree to waiver the life policy, but this is usually looked at on a case by case basis and will depend on other factors. Best of luck with it.
The required screening is probably due to an existing medical conditon in the family and may effect mortality as opposed to specified illness cover. Another insurer may take a differing view, although you would be required to disclose that you had applied for the present cover, and issue without screening. It may be quicker to arrange the appointment for the screening which will also put your mind at rest, so you can arrange the cover. Once again, someone who knows the facts could and should be able to help you a great deal.
thanks so much for the only 26 and i just cant understand why i wud need to get this screening done at this stage in my life...its all new to me this business but i was kind of shocked that they wouldnt change my policy.
I got a letter this morn saying that my application has been cancelled..i presume that whoever i call now will need to be informed of this..any suggestions for a company that may be a little more flexible??
i actually just had a look at and it appears fairly straight forward with them..or am i being naive?
Well it is difficult to give an opinion without knowing the full details which you may not want to disclose on an online forum. Why would they cancel your application ? You need professional advice, as the online broker will just send off the application form to a particular insurer without doing any analysis on the application.