Need advice on ARF/AMRF


Registered User
I am coming up to retirement age in the next few months and need advice on what to do with my pension pot. I have a few DC pensions and am leaning towards the 25% lump sum + ARF/AMRF. What are the options to invest an ARF/AMRF in ?
Hoping to get a good return without taking too much risk if that is possible !
What should I be looking out for when?
Appreciate your advice.
There are loads of options available to you, so you need to look at what is the best one for you.

You also have to remember that risk and return are related, so if you are want to get a good return, you have to be willing for some ups and downs along the way.

If you are a few months from retirement, you should start getting ready with your retirement plans. I'm sure you have already thought of what you want to do. Now it is time to start putting a price on all the things you want to do.

Thank you Marc and Steven. I guess it's time I went to a pension advisor to go over these options.