NCT Test


Registered User
Test was up in Feb but no sign in the post rang them up they said there is a big back log, so I went online and booked a date in April failed first time then today went for retest and car passed , so I got the disk which stated car nct'ed from feb 06- feb 08 which is incorrect as car only passed in May due to them having a back log do I have case for car to have disk from May 06- May 08.
No, you have no case.

The NCT runs from the anviversity of registration for 2 years. Delaying the test will not gain you any time. It runs for 2 years from the expiry of the last test. If you aruged the toss they would say you could have booked a test in time yourself online.
My personal opinion in NCT is they focused on to fail cars not to fix them or give an advise to fix it...All they give you is piece of paper some figures on it and staffs are foreigners who can't speak english.I(i don't blame foreigners here but the management and government who gave permission to this Dutch company!)
That is a little unfair.

When I got my test done. It was explained excatly what was wrong and excatly what was needed to correct it. They all spoke english and very very polite.
I imported a car from UK (a 91).

I was told that I would need to have my car NCT'ed and it would last 2 years. Great, I thought - much better than the UK MOT for 1 year.

Got the car NCT'd. The cert only lasted for 4 sodding months (due to anniversary of registration in UK). I took cert back saying there had been a mistake. I was fuming !

Got into correspondence with NCT complaints about this. I asked how this could be justified as the idea of NCT is to make cars/roads safer rather than a money spinning racket.

They fobbed me off with just sending out leaflets explaining the procedure.

Eventually someone wrote back and said it was due to their computer system and they couldn't do it any other way.