NCT failure - emissions too high - cause?

Yes...I am very sorry about my grammer.This is the first time i have used this site.My car is a Mitsubishi fto,1.8 petrol.I would be most grateful for any ideas,hints.Thankyou.Rosie

Having read all the contributions you really need to bite the bullet and pay for a mechanic to take a good look at your car.

This model seems reasonably reliable but its a sports model and there are known issues.

If its been driven hard, thrashed from cold and not looked after or serviced regularly the engine could be badly worn.

Stupid owners may have neglected the car in other ways too, and you should have a mechanic check out the brake discs, cylinders, calipers and pads as well as all lines control interfaces and connections.

All the safety items should be checked urgently to make sure you're not driving an unsafe vehicle.

You should also check its not a ringer or welded together wreck.

There are too many inscrupulous people out there only thinking of themselves and you have to watch out for them.

Don't be too discouraged, just do your job as the owner of a sports model.

Get it checked and then go and do what owners of sports models do best;


Pose down the high street at 10 mph!


What if I'll fail twice the NCT?? Is there an option to try it on 3rd time?...or fourth? How many test is possible?? WHat about the charges?
Keep on testing keep on paying. Ah the joys of motoring!!!

My car a nissan almera h/b failed the nct twice in a month due to the emissions.I first put diptane into the tank as for it worked on the emissions failing two years ago,but it didnt work this time...put it through the nct the second time and the emission result was sky high!I brought it to a garage today he did a test on it,but no faults came up.He said to me that he thinks its the airflow meteor and to get it replaced.He will test it when the new part is in to see if it has improved.Would you please give me advice as for i do not want to get ripped off and get a part i dont even need.Thanks!
I agree fully with the posters who mention Dipetane ... any decent motor factors will have it. Don't ask me for an in - depth scientific appraisal but it basically works by making the air part of the fuel / air combustion more burn-able, hence greater efficiency. I've used it several times and the difference is unreal. It's the trade's best kept secret!

Here's the blurb: [broken link removed]

Best of luck!
My 2006 Leon is going for its first NCT. I've had a lambda sensor fault on the emissions control for months - I've never had the money to fix it and the car's performance hasn't dropped at all.

Anyway my question is if it passes the emissions test but the warning lamp is on will they still fail it, does anyone know?

Most unlikely that it will pass the emissions test, if the lambda sensor is indeed faulty, as the O2 levels are very "tight" so I think your question (if it passes the emissions test but the warning lamp is on will they still fail it?) will probably prove to be superfluous.
prime time showed a way cheaper than I expected too.

Oh wait might be a crack down now.

Forget it.

Balls... thanks for that. Looks like I've some saving to do!