National Irish Bank Rate Change


Registered User
Hi all

I have a variable rate with NIB.

I have been told that the interest rate cuts are being passed on and that my rate has been reduced by the .5% Nov Cut.

However they have not reduced the payment and nobody in NIB seems to be able to tell me why despite several phone calls.

Does anyone know why?


I would insist on an explanation from NIB.

The Oct. .5 % reduction was applied to my NIB variable mortgage on 27/10 and my repayment from Nov. was reduced.

The Nov. .5% reduction was applied on 01/12 and my projected repayment for the end of Dec. has again reduced.

They have said they will pass on the .75% Dec. reduction, if they do I would expect it to be applied early Jan. and my repayment at the end of Jan. to be reduced again.

At this stage you should have received the first two letters informing you of the reduction and your new repayment.