N Berg Video



Anyone download the video of the execution of Nick Berg , i started to do it today but after 5 mins downloading switched the request off , could nt stomach the thought although curiosity nearly got the better of me
I wouldn't - you may never get over it. My better half is in the M.E. (but on his way home) and that report on Berg's death has really frightened me. The "prison abuse" photos have inflamed the fanatics even more. There would be no point in protesting we're Irish either, any Westener in the area at the present time seems to be fair game.
Why would you want to download a video of a man being be-headed?????
One of the news channels showed him sitting on the ground with 4 or 5 people behind him reading out a statement. This is all that is showing, but TV3 (I think) showed 4 guys pushing him to the ground while a 5th chap took out a knife , then they stopped the tape, my stomach churned. AOL said it was a very slow execution, hope that helps put you off, its too grizzly to even think about.

My sister in law worked in Saudi for a year and public be-headings were common place on a Sunday afternoon!

Why would you download anything at all , we or the internet populus always borders the edge of morality , i am sure we do not have to go through the history of the net here to prove that.
Curiosity , being at the edge of an execution , looking at real life hell, i cant explain why but something said yeah i might like to see that....take it as many steps past rotten.com , but then my better side took over and i declined to view the video.
Re: !

Well...it sounds like your better side did the right thing. I'm not saying I don't understand the voyeuristic tendency of us all. The internet proves that really.
But then, you could say you're curious to see a snuff video (which that basically is)...or you're curious to see child porn just to know (for no other reason).
Of course, the difference is the latter two are illegal to view. But the moral implications are there for all three. They're all sick.
Sometimes it's better to exercise self-control in these matters. I'm not preaching...if it comes across like that. I just don't think it right to download something like this.
Re: !

Spare a thought for his family, imagine being able to see your loved one murdered? And the fact that the media is all over it

"But then, you could say you're curious to see a snuff video (which that basically is)...or you're curious to see child porn just to know (for no other reason).
Of course, the difference is the latter two are illegal to view. But the moral implications are there for all three. They're all sick."

I am not curious to see snuff videos as you put it, child porn, rape and murder tapes, all those horrible organised videos are made for the specific purpose of preying on opening the depravations that some have. Snuff is totally different to public political and/or terrorist assassinations whether live in the streets or on the Internet. They are there to serve a purpose, to put fear into the eyes of their enemy.

We cannot just hide from this occurrence, live or recorded executions, my curiosity was born out of an insight into the capability of these animals, OK my better side crept in and thank God but with all the media attention on it I almost feel liked I watched every second.

Watching an organised attempt to put fear into the free world is alot different to watching some seedy disgusting kiddie porn flick , i do not need to be reminded about existence of the latter.

Sometimes I like to step out of my synthetic world and try to grasp what it must be like for those left in Iraq or those people at 9/11, but we will never know, thank you God for that.
Re: !

Fair enough chillidog...you make a good arguement.

"We cannot just hide from this occurrence, live or recorded executions, my curiosity was born out of an insight into the capability of these animals"

Nor should we. But I still don't see why anyone would want to watch it? Maybe that's just me though.

"Sometimes I like to step out of my synthetic world and try to grasp what it must be like for those left in Iraq or those people at 9/11, but we will never know, thank you God for that."

And for the of Iraq themselves of course.
Is it just me or does anyone else think this was done to keep the american public behind the war and further polarise opinion in the arab world? The last thing osama and his mates want is for the US to go home.
"Is it just me or does anyone else think this was done to keep the american public behind the war and further polarise opinion in the arab world? The last thing osama and his mates want is for the US to go home."

Al Queda and every other Islamic fundamentalist group in the region couldn't give a monkey's what you, I or the American public think!!
I've heard people say it was a mistake for them to be-head this guy because they were beginning to get sympathy from people!!! The mind boggles.
The US aren't going home. The US won't go home until the American people are out on the streets in their millions baying for Bushes blood. Unfortunately, that hasn't happened yet.
Al Queda and every other Islamic fundamentalist group in the region couldn't give a monkey's what you, I or the American public think!!
They care in the context of how it will influence the actions of the US government. They want an all out conflict between what they regard as the muslim and christian worlds. The best way to do this is to keep george w and his hawks where they are, putting their big feet in it at every hands turn.
The US won't go home until the American people are out on the streets in their millions baying for Bushes blood.
That's me point; the american public won't be out in the streets as long as their boys are having their heads cut off.
I see where you're coming from on this purple and it's an interesting viewpoint...but I don't think this is why the be-heading took place. You're saying they were 'talking' to the American people. I think it much more likely that they were talking to like minded people in the Middle East (and themselves).
The war exists for Al Queda regardless of whether the US stays in Iraq or not.

I am not saying that they were talking to the american people as such. Rather that it is in their interest that George W stays in power and continues with his "War on terror" as it fosters sympathy for al Queda with moderate arabs.
Yes, the war does exist for them anyway but at the moment the heavy handed approach of the US is playing into their hands.
Re: Re.

"...but at the moment the heavy handed approach of the US is playing into their hands."

There I'm in complete agreement with you.

I watched it, and it was sickening. But the most chilling thing for me was that when there was a pause in their shouts of 'Allah Akhbar' you can actually hear them laughing. Sniggering.


apparently the server that hosted the original video had to shut down because of the excessive traffic.

Jonti: do you think the american screws looking after detainess in Iraqi prisons snigger when they strip, sic dogs, perform group sex in front of said detainess? Do you not think that being the victim of an armed aggression from a foreign country aren't those "islamic fascists" at least entitled to defend themselved and retaliate in kind for the masscre they have been suffering? I feel no simpathy for Mr. Berg, he wanted to get his 20k a week? he well knew the risks.
Re: isp

"I feel no simpathy for Mr. Berg, he wanted to get his 20k a week? he well knew the risks."

I don't think you can justify this man's killing. I agree with some of what you said prior to that. It's difficult to call these Iraqi insurgents a bunch of sickos without acknowledging what the US and maybe British soldiers have been up to over there.

Killing from either side though is wrong and shouldn't be justified...especially cold blooded capital punishment.

i completely agree that cold blooded murder is wrong...but I am sure you agree that the trickle of info we get on the abuses perpetrated by the occuping forces in both afghanistan and iraq are just the tip of the iceberg. shudder to think as to what exactly is going on there. the remarks congressmen in us had after watching the classified footage from the detention centres in Iraq hinted at acts devoid of any human decency. people like jonti talk about "bastards"..i wonder what words do iraqis and arabs have to describe the uniformed barbarians "liberating" them.

also, these contractors busily "rebuilding" iraq. people like Berg. why are they there? It's a war zone, it does not need greddy little entreprenours cashing in on the countries misery.
Re: piggy

"but I am sure you agree that the trickle of info we get on the abuses perpetrated by the occuping forces in both afghanistan and iraq are just the tip of the iceberg. shudder to think as to what exactly is going on there."

Yes...I do agree. It looks like we'll learn all in the fullness of time though.

"also, these contractors busily "rebuilding" iraq. people like Berg. why are they there? It's a war zone, it does not need greddy little entreprenours cashing in on the countries misery."

Well, yes, that's true. I don't know exactly why this guy was there or what he was doing. Did he go because he wanted? Was it his company that sent him out there? Was it part of his contract? I don't know. Regardless of his motives...even if they were greed, his death was wrong.