Life My Life Policy Is Worth More Than The Loan I Took Out

Did the lender not know from their records that you had 2 policies... should they not let you know. As for the refund ... I can see no reason why they would not give the money back.
Since my last post I have tried all ends up to speak with the bank and they have refused to contact me to discuss the situation further. They have already received a payout which I believe is relatively substantial. The insurance company refuse to discuss it with me. I'm obviously oblivious in what to do next. I think my next bet is to seek legal advise. I personally believe this refund is mine.

Iscrtto, they say they didn't know but thats anyones guess whether they did or not.

Sumatra, you are possibley correct but it seems completely unfair but I suppose when does fair come into the equation were the banks are involved.