My car was damaged by the neighbours wheelie bin during last night's wind


Registered User
My car was attacked by the neighbours wheelie bin during last nights wind, the bin had been taken away by the time I discovered the damage so I'm not sure who's bin did the damage. Does anybody no if there is any come back for such an instance or is it a case that I'll have to blame 'god'?
Re: Damage caused by Neighbour's wheelie Bin

My car was attacked by the neighbours wheelie bin during last nights wind, the bin had been taken away by the time I discovered the damage so I'm not sure who's bin did the damage.
So how do you know that it was a wheelie bin that did the damage?!
Re: Damage caused by Neighbour's wheelie Bin

I see a new program on sky:

"When Wheeliebins go Bad"
Re: Damage caused by Neighbour's wheelie Bin

Ha Ha Laugh it up, if I do find out who's bin it was it will be going on the endangered list though!!!! I don't know for sure if it was a wheelie bin but I am 99% sure as there were bins all over the place this morning, there were 2 large dents and scratches (no bamboo shoots).
Re: Damage caused by Neighbour's wheelie Bin

Are you wheelie sure it was a bin that did the damage?
Re: Damage caused by Neighbour's wheelie Bin

I won't join the bad jokes Honestly you'll just have to let it go, you don't know which bin was the offender and you'll end up falling out with neighbours, they'll only talk trash about you behind your back
Re: Damage caused by Neighbour's wheelie Bin

the bin had been taken away by the time I discovered the damage so I'm not sure who's bin did the damage. Does anybody no if there is any come back for such an instance or is it a case that I'll have to blame 'god'?
How about an identity parade to nail the culprit?

Re: Damage caused by Neighbour's wheelie Bin

Do your neighbours refuse to cooperate?
Re: Damage caused by Neighbour's wheelie Bin

Jaysus lads, this is the most fun I've had for at least an hour...I love it, especially the wheelie wheelie bad jokes.

Re: Damage caused by Neighbour's wheelie Bin

its all a load of rubbish if you ask me, maybe your neighbours bin was green with envy
Re: Damage caused by Neighbour's wheelie Bin

Thanks lads for the helpful and insightful **** taking....I mean advise. You may be interested to know my neighbour called around this evening to apologies I gave him a black eye and told him to feck off. You may also be interested to know there is an open mike night at the International Comedy Club in Dublin tomorrow night, I think you should all go.