Musty smell in Built-in Wardrobes


Registered User
I have built-in wardrobes in all my bedrooms and was just wondering how I can prevent/get rid of the musty smell that is the wardrobes in the two end bedrooms. I presume they are smelly because they are against the outside wall. The bedroom itself isn't musty, just the wardrobe. Could it ever be that I need to drill a small hole in the doors for ventilation to prevent this from happening again?? Incidently, I have a built in press in my Sitting Room also and I have the same problem there but the press isn't against the outside wall, it's beside the fireplace which should be nice and warm.
Wash the wardrobes out with soap and water first & leave to dry then put a mound of baking soda on a saucer and place in wardrobe. the baking soda is known to absorb musty smells as we had in cupboards in kitchen when moved in. Also another tip is get old perfume bottles with lids off and place them in wardrobes as there is still fragrance left in old ones that you cant get at so once left standing open the fragrance will come out. hopefully this is of some help

Are you on the ground floor of an apartment block by any chance.... are your floors lower than the ground outside your window? Are there any pools of water gathering outside window/wall?
No, I live in a bungalow. I haven't noticed wather gathering outside this wall. The bookcase in the sitting room isn't against the outside wall but has a very musty smell. It's also at the other side of the house.
I too have this problem. I live in a 30 yr old bungalow and my bedroom wardrobe, which is built against an outside wall, has lourve type doors (very fashionably I know!) I'm only confessing this to make the point the ventilation shouldn't be a problem yet I still notice a damp/musty smell. I reckon that insulating the cavity walls is the only solution(?)